A jackknife truck accident may be devastating. If you get hurt in this type of crash, legal help is available. By working with a Beaufort truck accident lawyer, you may be able to seek damages from any at-fault parties.
The Shelly Leeke Law Firm is a proven choice for those in need of legal representation in personal injury cases. Our Beaufort jackknife truck accident lawyer can take a look at your case. To get started, contact us today.
Jackknife Truck Accident Definition
A truck may have a cab and trailer. If the vehicle jackknifes, its cab and trailer fold inward. When this happens, both parts form a 90° angle, which is similar to how a pocketknife’s blade folds into its handle when closed.
Traveling at a high speed while going around a curve may cause a truck driver to jackknife their vehicle. Or, a truck may jackknife when an operator is careless while they are driving their vehicle in inclement weather conditions or on rough roads. There are also times when a truck jackknifing may be related to a vehicle malfunction.
If you are the victim of a jackknife accident, you may not be accountable for the crash. A Beaufort personal injury lawyer may be able to help you identify the at-fault party. They may answer frequently asked questions and any others you have about trucking crash cases and help you move forward with your claim.

Jackknife Trucking Accident Liability
A truck driver or their employer may be accountable for a jackknife collision. For example, a trucker may ignore Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) hours of service regulations, get tired while they are behind the wheel, and cause a jackknife accident. The trucker and their employer may be at fault since the operator was not driving their vehicle in accordance with federal regulations.
There are scenarios where a trucking maintenance company or parts manufacturer may be liable for a jackknife crash. If a business does not maintain its truck fleet and one of its vehicles is involved in a jackknifing crash, the company may be responsible. Similarly, a truck parts manufacturer must provide components that work correctly — if it does not and a faulty piece of equipment contributes to a truck collision, the business may be accountable.
In a situation where an improperly loaded truck is related to a jackknife accident, the cargo manufacturer or loader may be liable. There are also instances where a government entity may be accountable for a jackknife collision. With assistance from a jackknife truck accident lawyer in Beaufort, you may be able to seek the most damages possible from anyone who caused your collision.
Jackknife Truck Crash Statute of Limitations
South Carolina has a three-year statute of limitations for personal injury claims. In many cases, you may have up to three years from the date of your jackknife trucking crash to pursue damages from any at-fault parties. If you do not seek compensation within this period, you may be solely responsible for your collision-related losses.
Every truck crash is different, and how much you should ask for in damages depends on the facts surrounding your accident. A jackknife truck accident attorney in Beaufort may examine your economic and non-economic losses. They may encourage you to pursue compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, emotional trauma, and other harm you incurred.
You may be able to get damages from an at-fault party’s insurance company. However, an insurer may focus on finding ways to dispute your claim. Your attorney may work with you to help you show you deserve all of the damages you are requesting.
Jackknife Trucking Crash Evidence
Just because you tell a judge or jury you got hurt in a jackknife accident does not mean you will get damages. You are responsible for the burden of proof in your case. There are many pieces of evidence you may provide to support your request for compensation, such as:
- Truck Driver’s Personal Records: You may be able to access these records to show a driver has a history of drug or alcohol abuse or a medical condition that may have affected their ability to safely operate a truck.
- Trucker’s Cell Phone Records: These records may help you find out if a driver was talking or texting on their phone when your accident happened.
- In-Cab Truck Camera Footage: This may serve as visual proof to validate your claim you are not responsible for your collision.
- Truck’s Black Box: Black box data may provide insights into the speed of the truck and other factors that may have contributed to your collision.
- Truck Maintenance Records: You may read through a truck’s maintenance records and see a trucking company did not take appropriate actions to address vehicle safety and performance issues.
- Accident Scene Photos and Videos: If you have photos and videos from the collision scene, you may be able to use them to illustrate the severity of your crash.
- Witness Statements: If there were people who saw your collision happen, they may be able to provide statements that explain their point of view.
- Police Report: If you called 911 right after your accident, police officers may come to the scene, collect information from you and others on site, and prepare a report you can get days after your collision.
- Medical Records: These may show how your injury may affect you long into the future.
- Pay Stubs: These may explain how much money you are losing due to the fact you cannot work based on the injury you suffered in your accident.
Your attorney may help you put together a collection of evidence that may make it clear to a judge or jury someone else was negligent and caused your accident. Ideally, your body of proof will leave no doubts about the legitimacy of your case. It may help you get the maximum amount of damages.
Hire a Jackknife Trucking Crash Lawyer
The team at the Shelly Leeke Law Firm has been providing truck crash victims and many others with legal guidance and support for more than a decade. We may be able to help you file your claim and get the damages you deserve. To schedule a free consultation, contact us today.