People of all ages can experience traumatic brain injury (TBI) due to many kinds of accidents. A TBI is considered a catastrophic injury, similar to paralysis or amputation, which substantially impacts the victim’s life. This injury is devastating on its own and is made much worse if it happens due to someone’s neglect or carelessness.
Instead of dealing with the consequences of another person’s wrongful actions, contact a Goose Creek personal injury lawyer from Shelly Leeke Law Firm. We help you navigate the legal complexities of filing an insurance claim or a personal injury lawsuit to get the financial relief you need. Contact us to schedule a free case evaluation and learn more.
How Shelly Leeke Can Help Your Traumatic Brain Injury Claim
Suffering the aftermath of a TBI means you must recover physically, emotionally, and financially from the effects of your injury. All of these can take a long time, and having monetary support for as long as it takes is critical. Each traumatic brain injury lawyer in Goose Creek from Shelly Leeke Law Firm dedicates themselves to your best possible outcome.
Shelly Leeke and her team of attorneys provide knowledge, skill, experience, and compassion so you feel comfortable throughout your legal journey with us. Trust in our law firm because:
- We are involved in our local communities throughout the Lowcountry and all of South Carolina, supporting our neighbors, clients, and friends.
- Our clients speak for us, relying on our skills repeatedly and referring their friends and relatives for our help.
- We have a track record of success, winning over $1 million in jury awards and settlements.
Our lawyers educate you on how your claim works but take the legal burdens off your shoulders so you can heal.
What a TBI Is and How It Affects Its Victims
A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is very much what it sounds like. It causes disruption in the way a brain normally works, often resulting from a blow to the head or a penetrative wound. People can experience a TBI by falling, being in a vehicle accident, being assaulted, or being injured playing sports.
TBIs can be mild, such as a concussion, to severe, such as from a gunshot wound. Victims can be knocked out for a long time and have trouble staying conscious. They may also experience temporary or permanent memory loss.
Common symptoms of a TBI include:
- Blurred vision
- Depression
- Headaches
- Distorted hearing
- Dizziness and balance issues
- Fatigue
- Loss of cognitive functions
- Mood swings
- Ringing in the ears
Treatment for a Traumatic Brain Injury
Depending on the severity and symptoms, a physician may recommend a wide range of treatments for TBI. Some people only need rest and over-the-counter remedies, while others may need emergency surgery to avoid a coma or death. Expenses for treatment and rehabilitation can easily climb into thousands or millions of dollars, based on how much damage is done and how long the recovery lasts.
Some people never fully recover from a TBI. The costs of lifetime treatment can put most individuals into a financial crisis. When someone else is to blame for your injury, you must investigate how to seek fair and appropriate compensation from them so you can live comfortably with a TBI.
Potential Value of a TBI Claim
After experiencing a traumatic brain injury, you may be unsure whether to file an insurance claim or a personal injury lawsuit. You may even need to file a medical malpractice suit, depending on how your injury occurred. Victims often have many questions and do not know where to begin.
A skilled Goose Creek traumatic brain injury attorney from Shelly Leeke Law Firm will assess your case and determine the best option for compensation. We will also calculate an estimate of your damages, which can include both those with a fixed monetary value (economic loss) and those which are more subjective (non-economic loss). Some examples of these damages include:
- Economic:
- Doctor bills
- Hospital expenses, such as ICU, ER, surgery, and inpatient therapy
- Rehabilitative therapies, such as physical, occupational, and speech
- Psychological counseling
- Assistive medical devices to help you move or communicate
- Travel expenses for treatment
- Lost income and benefits if you cannot work
- Non-economic:
- Depression
- Emotional distress
- Mental anguish
- Isolation and loss of society
- Fear, embarrassment, shock, and grief
Each TBI case will be unique and judged on its own merits in court, so it is difficult to estimate until you speak with a traumatic brain injury attorney in Goose Creek. Over the course of our conversations, we will discuss your past and current expenses and connect you with medical experts to estimate your future treatment needs.
We Negotiate with Insurance Companies and Defense Lawyers for You
When you are facing a long recovery from a TBI, you need to concentrate on getting better. Filing a claim for insurance or a personal injury lawsuit can be overwhelming if you are not a trained attorney. It is best to turn all these concerns over to skilled and experienced legal professionals who will fight for you while you rest.
Insurance companies are not interested in paying you what you need to get better. They are concerned with their profits and will try many underhanded tricks to minimize or deny your claim. We will negotiate with them forcefully to get the best settlement offer available. If they do not meet our demands, we will take them to court.
We are skilled in reaching out-of-court agreements for your compensation, but we prepare each case as if we will go to trial. We are ready from the beginning to use powerful evidence and documentation to persuade a judge and jury about how the defendant’s negligence in causing your TBI has impacted your life.
Speak with a Goose Creek Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer Now
If you or a loved one has been hurt and suffered a TBI, you need guidance from an accomplished Goose Creek traumatic brain injury lawyer from Shelly Leeke Law Firm. We are committed to supplying excellent legal representation and support throughout every step of your case.
Our team works tirelessly on your behalf, building a robust case and standing up to big companies or those who think they can get away with hurting you. Contact us to schedule a free consultation and discuss your TBI case today.