When you have been injured in a truck accident, it is imperative to determine who is responsible for the collision. Many different factors may have contributed to the crash, and all liable parties should be held fully accountable for a fair and just outcome. Your North Charleston truck accident lawyer with Shelly Leeke Law Firm is an excellent resource for investigating your case and finding all the accountable participants.
In terms of law and the court system, liability can be a difficult idea for most people to understand. Essentially, third-party liability is the individual or entity that is responsible for any action that contributed to your injuries. When you connect with your personal injury attorney, you can explore the definition of third-party liability claims, when a third-party claim is appropriate, different parties you could file a claim against, and how our team can help identify and hold all responsible entities accountable for their negligence.
The Difference Between a First-Party and Third-Party Injury Claim
The basic definition of a first-party versus third party, as it applies to injury claims, is when you file a claim against your own insurance company, which would be considered a first-party claim. A third-party claim is when you file a claim against another party or business’s insurance provider. An experienced attorney is essential when attempting to ascertain any culpable participants.
Once you have identified which party you may seek a claim against, you must prove how and why they are liable for your injuries. Your personal injury lawyer in South Carolina can aid you in seeking out and investigating anyone who may bear that liability. We must also prove how their participation contributed to the event that caused your injuries.
To prove the facts pertaining to your case, your attorney can investigate all circumstances that led to your injuries. This can include conducting interviews with other parties involved or witnesses, exploring trucking company negligence, and examining any physical or video evidence. When you have been severely injured, it is your right to demand the liable parties compensate you fairly for any damages you have endured.
How Third-Party Liability Can Be Applied to Your Truck Accident Lawsuit
The specific circumstances of the injuries you have sustained may be applied to the claim you have filed. We will scrutinize every piece of evidence to obtain all the facts about your case. This might include discovering whether the accused followed safety protocols, the environment where the incident occurred, or whether faulty equipment may have contributed to your accident.
Having an experienced legal advocate working for you is essential if you are to bring the liable party to justice. Your right to be made whole should be at the front of your mind when you have been injured. Knowing when there are additional liable parties can make a distinct difference in the compensation you receive and how we approach your case.
Our team can provide you with the guidance necessary for you to maximize the compensation you recover. Only an exhaustive investigation can determine who is responsible for your damages. Whenever a third party’s negligence has produced a situation that causes injury, they should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.
Third Party Liability in Action
You may wonder what exactly a third party is in terms of who can be sued for the injuries you have sustained. Any party other than yourself or your insurance company is considered a third party. Here are some examples of potentially liable third parties:
- Manufacturers of defective products
- Companies with substandard safety precautions
- Drivers under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Supervisors or managers who ignore company policies
By no means is this an exhaustive list of who can be a third party in a lawsuit. Understanding how to identify any liable third parties and how their negligence contributed to your injuries is why having a professional attorney is so crucial. Your lawyer can help you navigate the court system, negotiate with insurance companies, and get the best possible outcome.
When Your Truck Accident Injuries Are the Result of Third-Party Negligence
Many situations can result in injuries which are the result of a third party’s negligence. Whether it was someone else’s fault, defective products, or practices that violate safety regulations, a proper investigation is necessary to determine all the facts of your case. Here are some examples of potentially liable third parties in your truck accident.
Defective Equipment
Commercial trucks cover many more miles than the average driver, so their equipment needs to be checked on a frequent and scheduled basis. Companies occasionally ignore the guidelines set down by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for how often equipment must be inspected, so damaged or worn-out components may have been overlooked. Likewise, an improperly maintained truck may have defective parts that a proper inspection would have otherwise found.
Driver Error or Distraction
Professional drivers also spend a great deal of time on the road trying to meet expected delivery estimates. This can lead to drivers being fatigued, attempting to multitask while driving, or other unsafe driving habits like speeding. If a professional driver is the cause of your damages, it may be the fault of the driver himself, their supervisor pushing them too far, and the company for creating unrealistic quotas.
Unsafe Trucking Company Practices
Some more unscrupulous companies may have unwritten rules for their employees to follow that can cause unsafe situations. Expecting their drivers to skip inspections or overload their vehicles can make them liable for your accident and damages. This is where you need an attorney who can investigate and uncover any ingrained malfeasance.
Make the Right Choice for You and Your Family When You Contact Shelly Leeke Law Firm for Help
When you suffer economic or physical damages, all liable parties should be held accountable for the trauma you have endured. Whether it is an individual or corporation that is responsible, it is your right to receive compensation from liable parties. Call a respected truck accident lawyer with Shelly Leeke Law Firm now or fill out our contact form for your no-cost, no-obligation consultation today.