After suffering a work-related occupational illness or injury, you may be interested in pursuing workers’ compensation benefits. However, getting your application approved could be more challenging than you were expecting. When the insurance company attempts to deny you the benefits you are entitled to, you may be unsure of how to handle your claim.
Hiring a workers’ comp lawyer could be in your best interests. However, before you do, you may be wondering how much a workers’ compensation lawyer will cost. Every person’s case is different, but you can hire a workers’ comp attorney to take on your case without having to put any money down.
There is little to no risk in hiring our team at Shelly Leeke Law Firm to analyze your case and determine how to make the insurance company pay.
When to Work with a Workers’ Compensation Attorney
Initially, after your accident, you may be hesitant to work with a workers’ compensation lawyer. After all, you do not want to pay anything out of pocket or lose money from your settlement by hiring a lawyer if it is not necessary. However, working with a workers’ comp attorney may be beneficial if any of the following situations apply to your case:
- You have been offered a settlement from the insurance company and are unsure whether to accept a lump sum.
- Your employer is disputing your workers’ compensation claim.
- The insurance company has denied your application for workers’ comp, and you are interested in pursuing an appeal.
- Your claim does not have strong medical evidence, which is common in cases of emotional trauma and disabling work-related stress.
- You have suffered permanent disabilities or life-changing injuries.
- Your workers’ compensation claim is considered high-value.
Costs of Hiring a Workers’ Comp Attorney
Working with a workers’ compensation attorney carries little risk to you. Contingency agreements make it possible to hire a lawyer without having to put money down as a retainer fee.
Contingency agreements require your lawyer to cover any upfront expenses or out-of-pocket costs that might come up as you pursue your workers’ comp appeal. This might include:
- Appeal filing fees
- Court filing fees
- Costs of hiring expert witnesses
- Costs of expert analysis
Once your lawyer wins your workers’ compensation settlement, a percentage of your benefits will go toward your lawyer’s fees. It is important to note that if your lawyer does not win your appeal or get your application for workers’ compensation benefits approved, you will not need to pay them back for any of their out-of-pocket costs or for their attorney’s fees.
Expenses Related to Your Attorney’s Fees
Many injury victims wonder why their attorney is charging the amount of the contingency agreement. Often, this is somewhere between 10 and 25% of your winnings. This includes not only your attorney’s hourly rate of pay but many other expenses related to pursuing your case.
Some examples could include:
- Travel expenses
- Copying costs
- Postage fees
- Deposition fees
- Costs of hiring physicians for independent medical examinations (IME)
- Costs of obtaining copies of your medical records
The great news is if your lawyer does not win your case, you do not have to pay them back for these fees. You can speak with your workers’ compensation attorney for an estimate and breakdown of potential costs so you are prepared accordingly.
South Carolina Law Prevents Insurance Companies from Taking Advantage of You
South Carolina’s laws will protect you from being taken advantage of by profit-driven workers’ compensation attorneys. Generally, before your attorney can receive payment for their services, they must obtain approval from the judge. The more complex the case was and the greater the amount of benefits awarded, the more likely it is the judge will approve the contingency agreement.
Injured employees who hire workers’ compensation attorneys can receive more compensation and benefits than those who do not hire a legal representative to help them throughout the claims process.
Negotiating Your Workers’ Compensation Lawyer’s Agreement
Most experienced workers’ compensation attorneys are willing to speak with potential clients during a free consultation. This is where you can discuss potential contingency arrangement fees.
While your lawyer may have set attorney’s fees and is perhaps unwilling to navigate from this amount, it does not hurt to discuss your needs and attempt to work out a contingency agreement that you feel more comfortable with. You should always continue negotiating these costs before you agree to have an attorney take on your case.
Benefits of Hiring a Workers’ Compensation Attorney
Many victims of work-related injuries wonder whether they should hire an attorney for help. It is not unusual for work injury victims to consider pursuing their cases without a legal advocate. However, doing so could be devastating for your case.
Having a workers’ compensation attorney fight for your rights could make all the difference in the outcome of your case. Not only can your attorney ensure your application is completed accurately and completely, but they can also include valuable evidence to support your case. They will be ready to negotiate with the insurance company if your claim is initially denied.
Upon claim denial, you may feel more confident in your decision to demand justice if you have a workers’ compensation attorney on your side. They can guide you through the appeals process and advocate for you during your hearing with the South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission (SCWCC).
Get Help from a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in South Carolina Today
When you choose to work with a workers’ compensation attorney at Shelly Leeke Law Firm on contingency, you do not have to worry about losing any money as you pursue the benefits you need to get through these difficult times.
We do not get paid unless we win your case, and you do not need to cover any of the costs that might arise as we go up against the insurance company. Learn more about how the appeals process works and how our team can help you prepare your workers’ comp application when you contact us for a 100% free consultation. Schedule yours as soon as today when you call us or fill out our convenient contact form.