When you receive a settlement offer from the insurance company after filing a workers’ compensation claim, you might be surprised and excited that the insurance company is willing to pay your claim quickly. However, you should be cautious when you receive this initial settlement offer from the insurer. Insurance companies are not on your side. …
Do I Have to Pay Taxes on a Workers’ Compensation Payout?
You may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits if you have suffered a workplace injury or illness. Workers’ compensation is a system designed to provide benefits to workers injured on the job or suffering from work-related illnesses. These benefits typically cover medical expenses, lost wages, and other related expenses. One of the questions that often …
Is an Independent Contractor Covered by Workers’ Compensation in South Carolina?
Workers’ compensation does not cover Independent contractors in South Carolina unless they purchase their own insurance. This page will answer some common questions about workers’ compensation and independent contractors in South Carolina, including how they are defined and how they can protect themselves from injury on the job. We hope this information will be helpful …