Are you or a family member dealing with the effects of exposure to asbestos in Charleston, South Carolina? Exposure to this substance can lead to the development of cancer for many patients, resulting in high medical bills and other losses.
Fortunately, you can work with an asbestos exposure attorney in Charleston to build a legal claim in this situation. Our South Carolina personal injury lawyers can step in to handle your legal needs. Find out more by reaching out to our South Carolina exposure lawyers for a free consultation.
When Can You Work With an Asbestos Exposure Lawyer?
According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), asbestos is a toxic mineral that occurs naturally in the world. In the past, many companies used asbestos in building materials due to its positive qualities before realizing that it caused severe health problems.
You may have a legal case if exposure to this toxic mineral caused you or a loved one to develop diseases such as:
- Asbestosis
- Lung cancer
- Mesothelioma
These conditions have a known connection to exposure to asbestos. Depending upon the reasons for the exposure, you may have a chance to hire an asbestos exposure lawyer for legal help.

Why Contact an Asbestos Exposure Lawyer in Charleston for Help?
Asbestos claims often pose significant challenges for individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma and other asbestos-related illnesses. In many cases, it takes decades for individuals to show symptoms after exposure to asbestos.
Many people have difficulty proving when and how they experienced asbestos exposure due to this length of time. Fortunately, a Charleston asbestos exposure lawyer can review your history and identify exposure sites.
Additionally, you may have to go up against large companies to handle an asbestos claim. A legal professional can support you with legal knowledge, resources, and experience handling these cases.
How do You Start an Asbestos Lawsuit in Charleston?
Generally, individuals begin thinking about an asbestos lawsuit after they receive a diagnosis of mesothelioma or another related disorder. Once you receive a diagnosis, you can contact an asbestos exposure lawyer for 24/7 answers.
Lawyers provide a variety of services to clients in your situation. In many cases, a law firm:
- Interviews you or your family members
- Develops a work history to look for opportunities for asbestos exposure
- Helps clients file for disability
- Looks for funds available from class-action lawsuits
Lawyers handle the majority of the legal work when taking on asbestos litigation. However, you and your family may need to provide a deposition and some paperwork before letting the lawyer address your needs.
Why Choose Us to Handle Your Asbestos Case in Charleston?
Our team of Charleston asbestos exposure lawyers has years of combined experience handling claims for families in your situation. We have the resources to stand up for you backed by hard-won legal knowledge.
We prioritize putting your needs first when we take on your claim. We want you to feel comfortable while we handle your legal case, building a rapport with you and maintaining open communication as we discuss bringing you compensation for your losses.
What Compensation Can You Get with an Asbestos Claim?
You have options to secure compensation to cover your losses if you or a family member developed an illness due to asbestos exposure in Charleston, SC. In this situation, your lawyer may help you receive funds to cover the following:
- Your current and future medical expenses
- Your lost wages if your condition prevents you from working
- Your pain and suffering
If you lost a family member to the effects of asbestos exposure, you could file a claim to secure funds to cover their medical expenses, burial costs, pain, and suffering. We provide compassionate care for your family in this situation.
How Much Compensation do You Get for an Asbestos Exposure Claim?
The amount of compensation you receive may vary based on the severity of your condition. Note that, according to asbestos specialists, most people diagnosed with mesothelioma do not have a favorable prognosis.
Our team assesses the facts of your family’s situation before moving forward with a claim. As a result, we can provide you with guidance during this tumultuous time.
How Long does It Take to Resolve an Asbestos Case in Charleston?
In many cases, it takes at least a few months to resolve a case involving asbestos exposure in Charleston, SC. The exact amount of time can depend upon where the exposure occurred.
Some companies have already acknowledged that they exposed employees to this dangerous compound. They already have funds set aside to address the financial needs of individuals who face illnesses like mesothelioma.
In other cases, your asbestos exposure attorney in Charleston may need to pursue a company that denies endangering employees. In these cases, resolving a claim in your favor may take longer.
Also, keep in mind that asbestos exposure lawsuits are subject to South Carolina’s statute of limitations. However, because symptoms of mesothelioma from asbestos exposure don’t typically become apparent until years after the exposure occurred, how long you have to sue depends on when you were diagnosed. You have three years from the date of your diagnosis.
How Much do Asbestos Exposure Lawyers Charge?
Our asbestos exposure attorneys charge varying rates for their services. Each law firm sets individual rates, often based on their experience and record of success handling claims for clients in your situation.
We can discuss the charges for our services when you contact us for a consultation.
Our team stands with you every step of the way when you reach out to us. We understand the emotional strain your family may feel and focus on supporting you.
Speak to Us After Asbestos Exposure in Charleston, SC
A Charleston asbestos exposure attorney from Shelly Leeke Law Firm can step in to help you after a diagnosis of mesothelioma or another asbestos-related condition. Our team focuses on the needs of your family, helping you develop a legal strategy.
Discuss your options in greater detail by calling us or filling out our online contact form.