A North Charleston rear-end collision can have long-lasting effects. In the immediate term, the collision can leave you with an injury. Over the long term, the collision can result in medical bills and other expenses that put you in the red.
At the Shelly Leeke Law Firm, we can help you deal with the aftermath of a North Charleston rear-end collision. Contact our North Charleston car accident attorney. Next, our North Charleston personal injury lawyers will review your rear-end collision case and help you sue the at-fault party.
How to Respond to a Rear-End Collision in North Charleston
A rear-end collision in North Charleston can be stressful for all involved. Here are things you should do if you are involved in a rear-end collision.
Try Not to Panic
Take a deep breath, and maintain your composure. It is easy to assign blame to another driver. However, what is most important is making sure everyone involved in the accident is safe.
Reach Out to 911
Call 911 to report the rear-end collision. A 911 operator will ask you to share your contact information, location, and information about what happened during the accident. From here, the operator will send medical professionals and police officers to the accident scene.
Comply with First Responders
Let medical personnel check you out and evaluate and treat any injuries you suffer. Also, talk to police officers and share details about your accident with them. These officers will put together an accident report that may be used as evidence in a personal injury lawsuit.
Go to the Hospital
Get medical treatment for any injuries you suffered. A doctor can give you a good idea about the extent of your injuries and what treatments will be required to recover from them. Plus, you can get the help you need to address your injuries before they escalate.
Notify Your Insurance Company
Contact your car insurance company to provide information about your accident. Share the at-fault driver’s contact information with your auto insurance provider. At this point, your auto insurer may reach out to the at-fault driver to request compensation.
Connect with a North Charleston Rear-End Collisions Lawyer
Find a rear-end collisions attorney in North Charleston that has received positive reviews from its clients. The lawyer can take a look at your rear-end collision and get your insights into it. If you have a strong case, the lawyer can help you file a personal injury lawsuit.
A rear-end collisions lawyer in North Charleston treats every case the same way. The attorney works diligently for their client to make sure this individual holds any at-fault parties accountable. As part of their efforts, the lawyer helps their client pursue a fair amount of damages.
How to Determine What to Request in Damages in a North Charleston Rear-End Collision Lawsuit
Compensatory damages can be awarded in a North Charleston rear-end collision lawsuit. They can total tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. To determine how much to request in damages in your rear-end collision lawsuit, your lawyer will look at:
- The costs of any medical treatments you need
- The wages you have lost due to your inability to work due to your injury
- Pain and suffering you suffer as a result of your collision
Your lawyer will urge you to request economic and non-economic damages in your rear-end collision lawsuit. The total you request accounts for the losses you have incurred to date, along with those you may face in the foreseeable future. Once your lawsuit is filed, your lawyer will put together an argument to show a judge or jury why you deserve the full amount of damages you are requesting.
What to Expect After Your North Charleston Rear-End Collision Lawsuit Is Filed
The legal process can be lengthy — and it can take months before your rear-end collision lawsuit goes to trial. During this period, you and your lawyer will:
Collect Evidence and Witness Testimony
Evidence can include medical records, an accident report, and any other information that supports your request for damages. Meanwhile, you can find witnesses that can testify about your rear-end collision and its impact on your everyday life. With relevant evidence and witness testimony, you can make a strong argument to a judge or jury.
Negotiate with a Defendant
You and the defendant may be able to reach a settlement agreement before your trial gets underway. Do not accept a personal injury settlement offer unless it aligns with your expectations. Otherwise, you and your attorney can focus on strengthening your argument.
Get Ready for Your Trial Date
Your attorney will answer your questions about the trial process and what will happen during your legal proceedings. In addition, your lawyer can help you prepare for questions you may be asked when you go to trial. That way, you can feel calm and confident when you take the stand.
Go to Trial
A trial is the final stage of your litigation. Your attorney presents your argument, and the defendant’s lawyer does the same for their client. A judge or jury then evaluates the argument of each party and renders its decision.
Your attorney keeps the lines of communication open during the legal process. If you have legal concerns, your lawyer addresses them. In doing so, your attorney ensures you get the legal support you need to succeed.
Why It Pays to Hire a Rear-End Collisions Attorney in North Charleston
A rear-end collisions attorney can be a difference-maker. The attorney advocates for you and handles any legal challenges that crop up during your litigation. To do so, the lawyer:
- Takes as much time as needed to learn about you and your rear-end collision
- Maintains open and honest communication with you throughout your litigation
- Explore all opportunities to strengthen your argument
Of course, not all rear-end collision attorneys deliver the same level of client support. As you look for a rear-end collision lawyer, consider your options carefully. Partner with a proven lawyer, and you can boost your chances of getting a favorable ruling in your rear-end collision lawsuit.
Select a North Charleston Rear-End Collisions Lawyer from the Shelly Leeke Law Firm
The Shelly Leeke Law Firm is ready to help you with your rear-end collision case. To learn more or request a free consultation, please get in touch with us today.