If you get injured in a Charleston hit-and-run accident, contact a Charleston car accident lawyer. You can hire a Charleston hit-and-run accident attorney who files a lawsuit on your behalf. Plus, your lawyer will help you secure the most damages possible.
At the Shelly Leeke Law Firm, we make it easy to connect with a Charleston personal injury lawyer. Get in touch with us today. Our South Carolina car accident lawyers can review your hit-and-run accident and sue anyone responsible for it.
How to Figure Out the Culprit Behind Your Charleston Hit-and-Run Accident
A Charleston hit-and-run accident can be overwhelming. You have no idea who caused your accident or why they left the scene. On top of that, you may need help to treat any injuries you or others may have suffered during the accident.
If you are involved in a hit-and-run accident, try to remain calm. Here are the things you should do after an accident:
- Call 911. Let the 911 operator know you were involved in the accident, where it happened, and other relevant information so they can send medical personnel and police to the scene.
- Gather as much information as you can. Write down any information you remember about the vehicle involved in your accident, the incident’s date, time, and location, and other pertinent information.
- Look for witnesses. Ask anyone at the accident scene to tell you about what they saw.
You may be able to figure out the at-fault party in your hit-and-run accident based on their vehicle’s license plate number. Or, if someone saw your accident, they may provide information that ultimately leads you to the at-fault party. You can also work with a hit-and-run accident attorney in Charleston that helps you identify the at-fault party and seek damages from them.

What to Do Once You Find the Person Responsible for Your Charleston Hit-and-Run Accident
The police will investigate a hit-and-run accident. If they find the at-fault party, this individual can face misdemeanor or felony charges. Also, the at-fault party can be held financially responsible for any damages you incurred due to the accident.
In South Carolina, there are no caps on the compensatory damages you can request in a personal injury case. This means you can seek any amount of damages from an at-fault party in a hit-and-run accident case. You can pursue damages for many reasons, such as:
- Pain and suffering
- Lost wages
- Medical bills
A hit-and-run accident lawyer in Charleston can teach you what you need to know about damages in personal injury lawsuits. Your lawyer will encourage you to seek thousands of dollars in damages in your hit-and-run accident case. If you are successful, you can recover damages that you can use to cover your short- and long-term accident expenses.

What to Expect After You File a Charleston Hit-and-Run Accident Lawsuit
You have up to three years from the date of your Charleston hit-and-run accident to file a personal injury lawsuit. It will not take long to submit your request for damages, and it is in your best interest to do so as soon as you can following your accident. Otherwise, you risk waiting too long and losing the opportunity to ask for damages.
It can take weeks or months before a hit-and-run accident case goes to court. During this period, your attorney can negotiate. The defendant in your case may propose a settlement that lets you get a portion of the damages you requested without the need for a trial.
When you receive a settlement offer, review it with your attorney. You can evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of accepting, rejecting, and countering the proposal. If you find a settlement offer falls short of what you want, decline it, and your attorney will continue to work with you to strengthen your case.

How Your Attorney Helps You Get Ready for Your Charleston Hit-and-Run Accident Trial
The best hit-and-run accident attorney has a great track record. This is due in large part to the lawyer’s personal rapport with their clients. The attorney wants their clients to succeed and works in lockstep with them to ensure they can get the best results when their cases go to trial.
In the time before your hit-and-run accident trial, your lawyer gets you up to speed on the legal process. Your attorney also works with you to:
- Collect and review evidence that you can then present to a judge or jury
- Connect with witnesses that can testify for you
- Establish realistic expectations for your trial
Your attorney is ready and able to answer any legal questions you have. If you want to learn more about what happens during a trial, your lawyer can tell you what you want to know. From here, you can feel composed and collected when you enter the courtroom for your trial.

How a Judge or Jury Decides a Charleston Hit-and-Run Accident Case
A judge or jury considers information provided by both you and the defendant in your hit-and-run accident case. This allows a judge or jury to make a fair decision that accounts for all parties involved. When a judge or jury renders its decision, you will find out if you will receive:
- The full amount of damages you requested
- A fraction of the damages you requested
- No damages at all
Your attorney uses evidence and witness testimony to compel a judge or jury to rule in your favor. In addition, your lawyer disputes evidence and witness testimony the defendant tries to use against you. With your lawyer’s help, you can present a strong argument and boost your chances of securing full damages.
Hire a Charleston Hit-and-Run Accident Lawyer from the Shelly Leeke Law Firm
The Shelly Leeke Law Firm offers legal help with hit and accident cases in Charleston. To learn more or request a free consultation, please contact us today.