Driving distracted is an extremely dangerous activity that is statistically on par with driving drunk. Unfortunately, most people don’t realize that distracted drivers are so dangerous.
Even if you’re aware of the risks, what you may not know is that the dangers of driving distracted are not necessarily reduced by using hands-free devices. Hands-free devices may seem safer, but in fact they are just as likely to cause an accident, as you still are driving distracted when you take your attention away from the road to dial the phone or listen.
In fact, because people feel safer when using a hands-free device, they may end up driving even more dangerously. Economists call this “moral hazard,” which basically means in situations where people feel safe, they tend to behave differently. This tendency is why people with bike helmets and seat belts may tend to travel faster than those without and why hands-free devices may not entirely prevent distracted driving.
Distracted drivers are a persistent risk and if you’re in a South Carolina car accident, it’s very likely the distracted driver will play a large part in determining who was at fault for the accident and who can recover damages.
Different states use different methods to determine who the negligent drivers were after a car accident. If you were involved in a South Carolina car accident and you would like more information on determining fault with distracted drivers, you’ll want to contact a Charleston personal injury attorney to protect your interests.
Seeking the Help of a Charleston Personal Injury Attorney
The South Carolina personal injury attorney team at the Shelly Leeke Law Firm is available to help accident victims cope with the legal implications of a serious injury. Our firm’s focus on personal injury cases includes injury from auto accidents including pedestrian and bicycle injuries, work-related injuries and Workers’ Compensation claims, and injuries resulting from dangerous prescription drugs.

Before you file a South Carolina personal injury claim, request a free copy of our South Carolina injury book. When you’re ready to get started on settling your accident claim, contact a Charleston personal injury attorney for a free information packet and consultation, 1-888-690-0211.