If you have been in a car accident in South Carolina, and you have filed a claim to recover money for your damaged vehicle, then there is a chance that the insurer won’t offer you full value for your car. This may be true even if your vehicle was totaled in the accident. Before you accept the insurer’s offer, there are several things that you can do.
Before you accept a settlement that is less than you deserve, you should go online to Kelleybluebook.com or Edmunds.com, and compare the book value of your vehicle to the insurance company’s offer. If there is a large difference in the insurer’s offer, then you may get an independent appraisal. An independent appraiser can help you determine the true value of your car.
If you are not satisfied with your insurer’s offer, then you can have a South Carolina accident attorney negotiate your claim. An experienced attorney may be able to negotiate a better settlement. If your South Carolina accident attorney cannot negotiate a fair settlement with the insurance company, then you may choose to pursue damages in a formal court of law.
If you are a motorist in South Carolina, then it is important for you to understand South Carolina auto insurance requirements. While these requirements dictate the minimum amount of coverage a driver in South Carolina is required to maintain, many times a serious car accident injury will surpass the limits on the at-fault party’s car insurance policy.
A Charleston personal injury attorney can look over your car insurance policy and that of the other driver and inform you of your legal options for compensation that fairly addresses all of your accident-related expenses.
Contacting a Charleston Personal Injury Attorney
South Carolina residents can take comfort knowing that the attorneys at the Shelly Leeke Law Firm are there to help them settle their personal injury claims. Our firm’s focus on personal injury cases includes injury from auto accidents, including pedestrian and bicycle injuries, work-related injuries and worker’s compensation claims, and injuries resulting from dangerous prescription drugs.

Before you file a South Carolina personal injury claim, request a copy of our complimentary consumer guide, The South Carolina Accident Book for Personal Injury Victims. When you’re ready to get started on settling your accident claim, contact a Charleston personal injury attorney for a complimentary information packet and consultation – 888-690-0211.