You could make a serious mistake in your accident case if you leave your social media accounts, such as Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, or another number of sites, open to the public for anyone to view.
What you may not know is that if you are injured in an accident and have an injury case, it is almost guaranteed that the insurance company, their agent or attorney will search these sites to find your profile. They will view your page, including your friend’s posts, your posts, your pictures and pictures other people post of you. They will gather all information they can to build their case against you. The insurance company will use the information they find to devalue your case.

They may use pictures to say that your injuries are not as serious as you claim, or use them to paint a negative picture of you. Even if your case eventually settles before court, you can bet that the insurance company will use all information it gathers from your social accounts in its effort to discount the value of your case. You may even find yourself settling for less than you would if you had NOT given them full access to your private information on your Facebook and/or social accounts. With millions of users on Facebook alone, it pays for accident and injury victims to protect their personal information by privatizing all social accounts.