It is important to be cautious while approaching a dog for the first time. There is always that possibility that the dog may react aggressively and attack. Therefore, whenever you come in contact with a dog, regardless of whether or not you have been around the dog before, you should gauge its behavior first in order to potentially prevent the dog from biting you.
A dog can feel frightened or threatened by you and will display certain body language or bark in order to warn you that it may bite. The following are some examples of warning signs that a dog may bite:
• The fur on the dog’s back is standing on end and the ears and tail are pointing upwards
• The dog growls, barks, or snarles at you while showing its teeth
• The dog licks its lips when you come near it
• The dog stares directly at your face
• The dog turns its head away from you
• The dog yawns while you come close to it
• The dog scratches or licks itself
• The dog’s legs are planted stiff into the ground
• The ears of the dog are back and close to its head
• The dog curls its tail in between its legs
• The dog cowers under some type of protection
• The dog is visibly ill or old in age
It is likely that if a dog does bite you and you did not do anything to provoke it, then there may be something medically wrong with the dog and the dog owner should take it to see a veterinarian as soon as possible.

By keeping an eye out for these warning signs and looking and listening before you approach a dog, you can greatly decrease the chances of being attacked. If you or someone you know has been bitten by a dog, contact a Charleston dog bite attorney today at 1-888-690-0211 for a free consultation.