We all know that New Year’s Eve is one of the most exciting and fun holidays to celebrate, but did you know that it is the number one day with the highest number of drunk drivers on the road? Almost half of all car accidents on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are due to drinking and driving. With an estimated 95 million Americans traveling to visit family and friends, this becomes a big issue. It is no question that a lot of people are planning to consume alcohol on this holiday and for that reason it is crucial to know how to keep yourself and those around you safe.
Here are a few tips to stay safe during this New Year’s Eve Holiday:
- Don’t drink and drive
- If you are driving, designate a sober driver
- If you are drinking, pace yourself alternating each alcoholic drink with a glass of water
- Make sure you eat a good meal before drinking and try to snack throughout the night
- Download Uber or Lyft, or have the number for a Taxi service readily available
- Stay with your group – safety in numbers
Be Aware: Many people believe that drinking coffee after a night of drinking allows you to sober up and be able to drive. This is a MYTH. Since alcohol is a depressant and coffee is a stimulant, the caffeine tricks your mind into thinking you are sober when in fact you are not. The only solution to sobering up in this situation is time.

If you or someone you know has been injured in a drunk driving accident, do not hesitate to contact the Charleston personal injury lawyers at Shelly Leeke Law Firm at 1-888-690-0211 or visit our website (www.LeekeLaw.com) for a free consultation.