If you have been injured in an accident in South Carolina, a Charleston personal injury lawyer can help your case in numerous ways. In addition to having the time and resources to build a strong case (which lets you focus on recovery), an attorney has years of legal knowledge and claims experience to bring to the table.
During your initial meeting with a Charleston personal injury attorney, an attorney will assess the important facts surrounding your accident in South Carolina. If it appears that you have a legitimate case, and you may be eligible to file a claim, then your attorney’s second task will be to estimate the value of your damages.
Once your damages have been evaluated, your Charleston personal injury attorney can notify your insurer that they are handling your case. Once notified, your attorney can advise you of any settlement offers you’ve been offered and begin communication with the insurance adjuster on your behalf. If an adjuster offers a settlement that is below the value of your damages, then your attorney can attempt to negotiate a higher settlement with the insurance company.
If an insurer refuses to give you the money that you deserve, then your Charleston personal injury attorney can file a personal injury lawsuit. In a lawsuit, your attorney can represent your interests in a formal court of law.
Contacting a Charleston Personal Injury Attorney
South Carolina residents can take comfort knowing that the attorneys at the Shelly Leeke Law Firm are there to help them settle their personal injury claims. Our firm’s focus on personal injury cases includes injury from auto accidents including pedestrian and bicycle injuries, work-related injuries and worker’s compensation claims, and injuries resulting from dangerous prescription drugs.

Before you file a South Carolina personal injury claim, request a copy of our complimentary consumer guide, The South Carolina Accident Book for Personal Injury Victims. When you’re ready to get started on settling your accident claim, contact a Charleston personal injury attorney for a complimentary information packet and consultation – 888-690-0211.