Dogs are man’s best friend. They make terrific pets and are usually fluffy, loveable creatures. So, when they bite, it can be unexpected, terrifying, dangerous, and costly.
If you or a loved one have been bitten by a dog, it is important that you understand dog bite law. A dog bite lawyer in South Carolina can help.
What You Should Do if Bitten by a Dog in South Carolina
When bitten by a dog in South Carolina, the dog’s owner could be responsible for any damages you sustained because of the bite. Dog owners are held accountable for the actions of their dogs in SC. You might be able to recover compensation for your medical costs and related expenses.

Recovering Compensation in SC Following a Dog Bite
If you were bitten by a dog because the dog owner was negligent, you may be entitled to compensation. You will need to provide proof that there was actually a dog bite and that it left you with injuries. You should also prove that you in no way provoked the animal.
Dog bite victims who provoked the dog by teasing or harassing them may not be compensated at all since the dog bite will be ruled as their fault.
Winning Your Claim
Several factors can impact whether or not you win your dog bite injury claim in South Carolina.
To ensure you are properly compensated for your dog bite injury, you must prove the dog was unprovoked. It is helpful to have witnesses attest to this.
If anyone saw the attack, make sure and collect their contact information. Document your injuries, and take photos and videos of any part of the incident or injuries that you can. Obtain copies of medical records pertaining to the dog bite as well.
The Legal Process of Filing a Dog Bite Claim
Having a South Carolina dog bite lawyer on your side can ease some of the overwhelming feelings you may be experiencing if you experience a dog bite injury. Dog bites can have an acute impact physically, emotionally, and financially. Having a dog bite attorney with Shelly Leeke Law Firm advocating for you allows you to heal while we seek justice through compensation on your behalf.
If you experienced a dog bite injury, our team will help you resolve your claim with the maximum amount of compensation available to you. These are the steps that typically must be taken in that pursuit:
- Hire a dog bite lawyer in SC from the Shelly Leeke Law Firm. We will investigate the incident, gather evidence and advise you of your legal options.
- We will decide who is liable under SC law for your injuries. It could be the dog’s owner, but there are other possibilities. It could be a hired dog sitter or dog walker, fence installer, or some sort of parts manufacturer if a muzzle, harness, or leash failed.
- Our team will evaluate your losses and evaluate the amount your dog bite injury claim is worth economically. We will consider how you were affected and its impact on your future when determining the amount of your claim.
- The typical next step will be filing a homeowners insurance, general liability, or renters insurance claim if the dog owner is insured.
- We will review any offers and determine if they are fair ones.
- If the offers are unfair or if the dog owner is uninsured, we will prepare to fight for you in court by filing suit.
You could be compensated for your injuries through a personal injury or a premises liability lawsuit. Your compassionate, skilled team at Shelly Leeke Law Firm can help you recover the compensation you are owed.
South Carolina Does Not Abide by the One-Bite Rule
South Carolina does not follow the “one-bite rule” that many states use. This means that a dog gets one bite without consequences. From there, the owner understands that their dog bites and should behave accordingly. If it bites someone a second time, the owner knows it was vicious or a biter and was negligent since they knew it could happen.
South Carolina dog bites do not fall under this law. You should contact a South Carolina dog bite attorney at Shelly Leeke Law Firm if you have been the victim of a dog bite. We can determine whether you are eligible for compensation and will help you pursue it.
Dog Bites Can Be Expensive
Annually, in the United States, dogs bite over 4.5 million people. Children are most vulnerable to dog bites, and half of all dog attacks involve children. This can often lead to injuries to their heads and faces that lead to scarring, disfigurement, and cosmetic surgeries to repair the damages which can be expensive to manage.
With more dogs in public spaces, the number of dog bite claims has gone up considerably, 9% since 2021. As the cost of medical treatment skyrockets, so does the cost of treating dog bites. It has gone up by 39% in the years between 2012 and 2021. Treating a dog bite, on average, costs a whopping $49,025.
If you or a loved one has been bitten by a dog due to the actions of a careless dog owner, you should not have to pay the expenses associated with the attack out of your own pocket. You need a South Carolina dog bite attorney on your side.
Contact Shelly Leeke Law Firm Today
Dog bites can have a serious impact on the person who is attacked, as well as their family. They can be painful, frightening, disfiguring, and maiming, as well as expensive. They can cause time away from the job, painful healing, and procedures, all the while causing bills to mount.
Filing a lawsuit can feel intimidating, but the Shelly Leeke Law Firm is here for you. We understand South Carolina dog bite law and can provide you with a South Carolina dog bite attorney. Our experienced legal team can help you tackle those mounting bills and advocate for the compensation you deserve. We have a long history of success. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.