For some lowcountry bikers, the feeling of cruising on a motorcycle is like no other. Whether on a Harley,a Suzuki or another speed machine, most motorcycle owners report a passion for riding. Some may prefer the back roads of Berkeley County, or the some get the thrill of driving through Charleston or on the I-26 interstate. Unfortunately, motorcycle riders are more likely to be involved in an accident than the average driver of a passenger vehicle, such as a car or SUV. But, by taking a few precautions motorcycle rider can help make themselves safer on South Carolina roadways.
One major cause of motorcycle accidents in South Carolina is other drivers not being able to see the motorcyle in their side or rearview mirrors. To help avoid the driver changing lanes that does not see you in the other lane, avoid riding in the blind spot of cars.

If you are riding your motorcycle after dark, think about what you are wearing. Is your clothing bright? Are you visible? Once you are on the road, Drivers may not see you and unintentionally cut you off, possibly causing an accident. Wearing bright colors may not look all that cool, but they can save you from potentially deadly injuries in a motorcycle crash.
Even though South Carolina law only madates that riders under 21 wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle, unfortunately most deadly accidents occur to motorcyclists who are not wearing a helmet. Wearing a helmet every time you board a motorcyle will greatly decrease the likelihood of a head injury should you be involved in an accident. Gloves, jackets, pants, and boots, also help protect the rest of your body. Today you can get these in lightweight and breathable fabric that look good too. This helps riders bear the heat of South Carolina summers, while also protecting their bodies.