There are a variety of workers’ compensation Insurance benefits that cover an employee who has been the victim of a work-related injury or illness. These typically include wage replacement (temporary and permanent disability), medical treatment, vocational rehabilitation, and fatalities (funeral and death services). From state to state, the amount of benefits provided and the delivery method of these benefits may differ.
Wage Replacement
When a worker is involved in a work-related injury and requires time away from work for recovery, workers’ compensation insurance is provided to help them to recoup some of their income that would be lost until they can return to work.
The amount workers receive for wage replacement will vary widely from state to state. Typically, injured employees are entitled to these benefits after a period of 3 to 7 days of being without work.
Workers’ compensation Insurance for wage replacement can be broken down into four sub-categories. These subcategories are divided up by the type of injury that has affected the worker’s ability to earn income. They include:
- Temporary Total Disability (TTD): This type of workers’ compensation benefit is given to those workers who were injured and are temporarily unable to work due to their work-related injury. This disability is temporary in that the worker will be able to resume their previous work once they reach their full recovery.
- Temporary Partial Disability (TPD): This type of workers’ compensation benefit is given to workers who were able to return to work after their injury but are no longer able to work at their full capacity due to partial disability caused by the injury. Temporary partial disability helps to cover the lost wages in the case of a reduced work level.
- Permanent Total Disability (PTD): This type of workers’ compensation benefit is given to the worker who has a severe impairment that has created the inability to return to work that previously allowed them to earn a steady source of income. Each state will have its criteria for permanent or total disability.
- Permanent Partial Disability (PPD): This type of workers’ compensation benefit is given to the workers who can return to work, but will no longer be able to work in the same capacity that they had previously worked before.
Medical Treatment
An employee may need ongoing care to recover from a work-related injury. The cost of these medical expenses is typically covered by workers’ compensation insurance. However, it does not provide coverage for some types of alternative care, such as the cost of homeopathic treatment, acupuncture, fees, or the cost of naturopathy treatment.
Workers’ compensation insurance for medical treatment is responsible for covering the cost of medical treatment for a work-related injury or illness. Medical coverage is not typically subject to deductibles, co-pays, or dollar limits. These benefits are provided to the worker until they have fully recovered from the work-related injury.
This coverage can include:
- Fees incurred at doctors’ appointments
- Expenses incurred during an emergency room visit
- Nursing care expenses
- Medical diagnostic testing
- Cost of medications
- Physical Therapy and rehabilitation fees
- Durable medical equipment costs (crutches and wheelchairs)
- The cost of surgery
What Should You Know About These Medical Benefits?
The employee may be unable to see their primary care doctor or a doctor of their choosing but instead may need to see the healthcare provider that is chosen by their employer’s insurance company. Depending on state law, the number of covered visits for physical therapy may be limited.
If the work-related injury directly causes additional medical problems to an employee, workers’ compensation Insurance will help cover the cost of these additional injuries. For example, if an employee injures their foot, causing a limp, and their back becomes strained, this would be a direct correlation to the work-related injury.
Vocational Rehabilitation
In a case where an injured worker needs assistance returning to work, this type of workers’ compensation Insurance is provided to them. The Vocational Rehabilitation program provides employees with disabilities the services they need to prepare them to regain or retain employment.
Vocational rehabilitation can assist with helping the employee explore employment interests and skills, provide assistive technology that will help them keep their job, and provide services for career advancement. In cases where a worker has suffered a work-related mental injury, psychological rehabilitation may be provided. In some circumstances, insurance providers will pay for training for the worker to regain the skills they need to get back to work.
Funeral and Death Services
If in the most severe case, an employee loses their life caused by a work-related illness or injury, this type of workers’ compensation benefit will provide for their beneficiaries and family. Funeral and burial expenses and cash benefits are covered under this benefit. In the case where a worker dies without any dependents, these benefits are limited to funeral and burial expenses.
There is a limit put in place by the coverage policies for such expenses. In the unfortunate event of death, the compensation is given to dependents or family members, including:
- Children
- Spouse
- Elderly parents
Survivor death benefits may last as long as the spouse does not remarry and remains financially dependent upon them. Depending on the state, survivor death benefits may only last a certain number of years.
Connect with a South Carolina Workers’ Comp Lawyer Today
When you experience a work-related injury and need to be approved for a workers’ compensation claim, the benefits may include wage replacement, vocational rehabilitation, and funeral and burial services. Each of these benefits is determined by several variables. Having a lawyer who is experienced in these types of cases can greatly benefit the outcome of your case.
When you are ready to hire a workers’ compensation lawyer and are unsure where to turn for help, call Shelley Leek Law Firm. We offer no-cost, risk-free case reviews to injured workers across South Carolina. Claim yours by filling out our online contact form or by calling our office today.