All too often do we see accidents in the news in South Carolina that involve a vehicle crossing the center line and hit another vehicle head-on. That is why it is important to know what South Carolina’s law is when it comes to crossing a double yellow line and also tips on how to prevent an accident like this from happening.
Oftentimes, drugs, alcohol, driving distracted, or drowsiness are the cause of crossing the yellow line; however, attempting to pass another vehicle is another cause that can be avoided. If there is a vehicle in front of you that you would like to pass, it is best to wait until either the dotted line is on your side or there is a single dotted line on the road. If there is a double yellow line, you should NEVER try to pass a vehicle (You are, however, allowed to cautiously cross a double yellow line in order to make a left turn). The double yellow line is put in place for your safety. It signifies a dangerous condition, such as a bend in the road, that could make it difficult to see oncoming cars in the opposite lane. Also, in South Carolina, it is illegal to cross a double yellow line in order to pass a vehicle, so you can expect a ticket in addition to a potential accident if you choose to make such a move.

If you are not traveling beside a double yellow line and it is legal for you to pass, you should first make sure that there are no other vehicles trying to pass you by looking in your rear and side view mirrors and also checking your blind spot. Then, make sure that the vehicle in front of you is going to remain in the same lane and put on your turn signal. Make sure that you are certain that no other vehicles are travelling in the opposite direction and then quickly pass the vehicle in front of you. It is important to note that if you have to exceed the speed limit in order to pass the vehicle, then you should not be passing them at all.
With these instructions in mind, along with defensive driving techniques, you will be able to reduce the chances of getting into an accident that involves crossing the center line. If you know someone who has been involved in an accident where another driver crossed a double yellow line and struck their vehicle, then you should have them call a South Carolina car accident lawyer. Shelly Leeke Law Firm offers free case evaluations, which can be scheduled by calling 843.297.8485 today!