Nerve damage is a serious condition that often carries lifelong consequences. If you were in a South Carolina car accident and have been diagnosed with nerve damage, you will want to seriously consider filing a South Carolina personal injury claim.
Consequences of Nerve Damage
Nerve damage can be either slightly annoying, such as when your arm falls asleep, or completely life changing, such as with paralysis. Nerves can repair themselves to some degree, but serious nerve damage like that from a South Carolina car accident may require surgery and may not be reversible.
Nerves are involved with everything your body does so nerve damage can show itself in many ways.
After being injured in a South Carolina car accident you may be faced with some of the following consequences of nerve damage:
- numbness;
- weakness;
- pain;
- sensitivity;
- muscle atrophy;
- bladder and bowel dysfunction; and
- inability to regulate body temperature.
Because the medical consequences of nerve damage often include ongoing care and therapy, if you are planning to file a personal injury claim after a South Carolina car accident you will want to do so with the help of a qualified and experienced Charleston car accident attorney.
An attorney will protect your rights in efforts to keep the insurance companies from using the complexity of nerve damage to avoid paying your South Carolina personal injury claim and leave you covering the costs of lifelong treatment yourself.
Seeking the Help of a Charleston Car Accident Attorney
The South Carolina car accident attorney team at the Shelly Leeke Law Firm is available to help accident victims cope with the legal implications of a serious injury. Our firm’s focus on personal injury cases includes injury from auto accidents including pedestrian and bicycle injuries, work-related injuries and Workers’ Compensation claims, and injuries resulting from dangerous prescription drugs.
Before you file a South Carolina personal injury claim, request a free copy of our South Carolina injury book. When you’re ready to get started on settling your accident claim, contact a Charleston car accident attorney for a free information packet and consultation, 1-888-690-0211.