Now that we’ve rung in the New Year and the holidays are past, it’s time to get back to the daily grind at work. As hard-working individuals, many still may be unaware of our rights when it comes to on-the-job injuries. Here is some basic information so that you know your rights if you are injured at work.
Who is Covered?
Employees: Under the Worker’s Compensation Act, an employee is any person who is under employment, contract for hire, or an apprenticeship, whether express or implied. This also includes foreign workers and minors who are lawfully or unlawfully employed as well as both full-time and part-time employees.

Subcontractors may also be covered under workers’ compensation. If a subcontractor does not carry workers’ compensation insurance, the owner or developer above them in the chain of employment may be held liable for workers’ compensation to the injured employee, as if they were the direct employer.
What is Covered?
When an employee is injured in a work-related accident, any injury sustained while the employee was working within the scope of his or her employment, is covered under the SC worker’s compensation laws, regardless of fault or negligence.
What Compensation is an Injured Employee Entitled to Receive?
If you were injured at work, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries and reimbursement for any medical expenses that you paid. If your injury is covered by workers’ compensation benefits, your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance carrier may also be responsible for the following:
1) Any and all medical expenses related to the injury;
2) Weekly disability benefits checks for periods you are out of work with written doctor’s authorization;
3) Payment for permanents disabilities and/or lost income.
If you have suffered a work injury and have questions, contact a South Carolina workers’ compensation lawyer at 843-277-6053.