If you are a driver, you should know the importance of certain types of auto insurance coverage. Since no one can predict when an accident in South Carolina will happen, whether the driver at fault will have insurance or what types of injuries you might sustain, it is in your best interest to make sure you are carrying enough coverage.
Some of the most devastating types of accidents involve those with an uninsured driver or those caused by a hit and run driver. You may not have much legal recourse in either event.
However, if you carry uninsured motorist coverage in South Carolina or underinsured motorist coverage, you can make up for what is missing with the responsible party.
Uninsured motorist coverage in South Carolina will protect you in the event you are injured by an uninsured driver. Underinsured motorist coverage will protect you in the event you are injured by a driver who doesn’t have enough coverage to take care of your injury-related expenses.
If you have been injured in an accident in South Carolina and have questions concerning coverage, consulting with a Charleston injury lawyer should be your next step in order to determine what legal options you have available.
Seeking the Help of a Charleston Injury Lawyer
The South Carolina personal injury attorney team at the Shelly Leeke Law Firm is available to help accident victims cope with the legal implications of a serious injury. Our firm’s focus on personal injury cases includes injury from auto accidents including pedestrian and bicycle injuries, work-related injuries and Workers’ Compensation claims, and injuries resulting from dangerous prescription drugs.
Before you file a South Carolina personal injury claim, request a free copy of our South Carolina injury book. When you’re ready to get started on settling your accident claim, contact a Charleston injury lawyer for a free information packet and consultation, 1-888-690-0211.